понедельник, 18 мая 2009 г.

Symfony: applications as subdomains

Мы хотим иметь такую конструкцию:
site.com             = frontend.php
www.site.com = frontend.php
dev.www.site.com = frontend_dev.php
backend.site.com = backend.php
dev.backend.site.com = backend_dev.php

Изменяем index.php


// get the domain parts as an array
@list($tld, $domain, $subdomain, $subdomain2) = array_reverse(explode('.', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));

// determine which subdomain we're looking at
$app = ($subdomain == 'webadmin') ? 'backend' : $subdomain;
$app = (empty($app) || $app == 'www' ) ? 'frontend' : $app;
$env = (empty($subdomain2) || $subdomain2 == 'www') ? 'prod' : $subdomain2;

// determine which app to load based on subdomain
if (!is_dir(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/..').'/apps/'.$app))
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'prod', false);
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($app, $env, false);


Использованные материалы: Dynamically Loading Symfony Applications Via Subdomains

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